About Us
The Society Registration AI-186 (Act No. 21 of 1860) Kasab Uddin Foundation of Association memorial Foundation Name Kasab Uddin Foundation. Area of operation of the foundation. Subject to the government's approval, Whole Bangladesh and Women Global Federation will be able to conduct activities. It is a non-profit, non-political, non-governmental, non-commercial and charitable organization.

This foundation is all or any of the following It was established to carry out the objectives. Note that the purposes described in the various sub-clauses are complementary to each other and one sub-section shall not in any way interfere with or limit the objectives described in any other sub-section or more than one sub-section. Prior to the implementation of all the objectives mentioned below, the activities of the Foundation shall be continued after obtaining the permission of the competent authority of the Government/Concerned and the objectives contrary to the provisions of Section 20 of the Foundation Registration Act shall be deemed invalid. educated Low educated unemployed. With the aim of making young women employable, all vocational courses including computer, energy science, garment, electrical and electronics, motor driving, automobile association, block batik, screen print and art industry are advertised.